Once a famous Muslim Scholar of India was traveling by train. His seat was beside a Hindu man. Due to the extreme hatred for Muslims, the Hindu man moved away a little from the scholar. The scholar smiled at him and didn't get offended. After a while, the Hindu man took out a blanket and covered his body so that even the breath of the scholar doesn't touch his body. Later, the Hindu man had to go to the toilet. Upon seeing the dirty condition of the toilet, the Hindu man ran back saying "Raam Raam." The scholar asked about what happened and the Hindu man said that the condition of the toilet is very disgusting. At that, the scholar got up and with some water went inside the toilet and cleaned the toilet completely. Then he came back to the Hindu man and told him to go in because it's now clean. The Hindu man didn't know what to do. But anyway, he went in and relieved himself. He is now thinking that no ordinary man could do what the Muslim scholar did. So, he came to the scholar and asked "Who taught you how to behave like this?" The scholar replied "Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)." Then the hindu man wanted to know more about Islam and the prophet. When they reached their destination, the Hindu man looked back to the scholar and said "I will never forget what you've taught me today. Dear Muslims, People judge you mostly by the way you treat them & so your DEEN as well. Therefore,treat every human being in the best way as taught by Rasool ﷺ because your way of treating others count a lot.

Once a famous Muslim Scholar of India was traveling by train. His seat was beside a Hindu man. Due to the extreme hatred for Muslims, the Hindu man moved away a little from the scholar. The scholar smiled at him and didn't get offended. After a while, the Hindu man took out a blanket and covered his body so that even the breath of the scholar doesn't touch his body. Later, the Hindu man had to go to the toilet. Upon seeing the dirty condition of the toilet, the Hindu man ran back saying "Raam Raam."
The scholar asked about what happened and the Hindu man said that the condition of the toilet is very disgusting. At that, the scholar got up and with some water went inside the toilet and cleaned the toilet completely. Then he came back to the Hindu man and told him to go in because it's now clean. The Hindu man didn't know what to do. But anyway, he went in and relieved himself. He is now thinking that no ordinary man could do what the Muslim scholar did. So, he came to the scholar and asked "Who taught you how to behave like this?" The scholar replied "Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)." Then the hindu man wanted to know more about Islam and the prophet. When they reached their destination, the Hindu man looked back to the scholar and said "I will never forget what you've taught me today.
Dear Muslims, People judge you mostly by the way you treat them & so your DEEN as well. Therefore,treat every human being in the best way as taught by Rasool ﷺ because your way of treating others count a lot.

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