Hadrat Abu Huraira (RA) is reported to have said that once he, in the company of the Holy Prophet (SAW), joined a funeral. When the Holy Prophet (SAW) reached the graveyard, he went to a grave and told that there was not a single day that the grave did not make the clear announcement. "Oh, the offspring of Adam! you have forgotten me, I am the place of solitude and I am the abode of loneliness, I am a lodging of much straitened provided the Almighty expands me in the case of a person whom He holds in esteem. After that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: The grave is either one of the gardens of Paradise or one of the pits of hell. Source: The Spectacle of Death.

Hadrat Abu Huraira (RA) is reported to have said that once he, in the company of the Holy Prophet (SAW), joined a funeral. When the Holy Prophet (SAW) reached the graveyard, he went to a grave and told that there was not a single day that the grave did not make the clear announcement. "Oh, the offspring of Adam! you have forgotten me, I am the place of solitude and I am the abode of loneliness, I am a lodging of much straitened provided the Almighty expands me in the case of a person whom He holds in esteem. After that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: The grave is either one of the gardens of Paradise or one of the pits of hell.
Source: The Spectacle of Death.

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