A Miracle of the Prophet Imran bin Husain (RA) narrates that the companions of the Prophet (SAW) submitted to him their grievence about thirst during a journey. The Prophet (SAW) got down from his conveyance and ordered Ali (RA) and another person to go and serch for water. "So, they went accordingly. They met a woman possessing two small water-skins contaning water. They brought her to the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet (SAW) caused a pot to be brought and poured in it the water of both the water-skins and asked the companions to drink from it. Imran (RA) stated: "We, the forty thirsty men drank water from it very well and we filled all our pots and water-skins with water. I swear by Allah Almighty that the water-skins (of the woman) seemed to be full with water than before." Source: Bukhari and Muslim.

A Miracle of the Prophet
Imran bin Husain (RA) narrates that the companions of the Prophet (SAW) submitted to him their grievence about thirst during a journey. The Prophet (SAW) got down from his conveyance and ordered Ali (RA) and another person to go and serch for water. "So, they went accordingly. They met a woman possessing two small water-skins contaning water. They brought her to the Prophet (SAW).
The Prophet (SAW) caused a pot to be brought and poured in it the water of both the water-skins and asked the companions to drink from it. Imran (RA) stated: "We, the forty thirsty men drank water from it very well and we filled all our pots and water-skins with water. I swear by Allah Almighty that the water-skins (of the woman) seemed to be full with water than before."
Source: Bukhari and Muslim.

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